What is more important is the quality of the window or installation?

Window EfficiencyThis is the time of year when homeowners discover that their windows leak. As the moisture moves in, your windows will either work or fail.

Purchasing high-quality, energy-efficient windows will help your energy consumption. Most of these windows also look great and have all the modern features. The more you spend on a window, the higher its energy efficiency, but the ability to keep out water has to do with the installation—not the window itself.

Contractors can mistakenly measure the window opening when ordering—or they might have the homeowner measure for them. If the measurement is off, then when the window gets installed, shims will need to be used. Using shims allows air to pass through, reducing the window’s efficiency and the savings you expect from purchasing high-efficiency windows.

During the winter months check your windows. Are they colder than expected? Has the caulking cracked? Is the window insulated properly? Colder temperatures are a great indicator of a quality window and installation.

If your home has air leaks around the windows or doors, it is likely that shims were used during installation. If that is the case, it does not matter how expensive your window was since the efficiency factor just went out the window.

Are your windows leaking?

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You can avoid this by using a certified siding contractor with over 25 years of experience. Pacific Exteriors NW is not going to disappear. We will use the correct installation materials and stand behind our work.